
Our workers’ experience of selling professional shop equipment trade, its installation and maintenance, allows us to offer the best customer-driven trade equipment and effectively deal with all the problems arising during operation. For these reasons new and second-hand clothing stores, grocery stores, cafes, hotels, rural tourism, museums, event organizers use our services provided by our company.

Mūsų brangūs klientai:


UAB „Capital invest“

UAB „Peritus“ – „Bison“

UAB „Longas” – „Šapokliak“

UAB „Piano Panorama“ 



„Valdovų rūmai“

„Lietuvos etnokosmologijos muziejus“

„Lietuvos liaudies kultūros centras“ 

Lietuvos kariuomenės Vilniaus įgulos karininkų ramovė


And so on..

We are waiting for you to join this amazing team..